Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Skylar Fein's "Remember The Upstairs Lounge" Opens in New York

Skylar Fein's "Remember The Upstairs Lounge" Opens in New York Last night we went to the VIP reception for Remember the Upstairs Lounge. The West Harlem Art Fund is partnering with No Longer Empty for an exhibition in East Harlem at the Tapestry Building this June. So, we went and got to meet the artist and his gallerist. Talking with the artist was good because we focused on New Orleans and its cultural traditions. I think we learned more about the artist from that intense conversation than the formal talk. I like New Orleans. We talked about Louie Armstrong, the Zulu parades, food and the mix of people there. Great city with many contraditions. And the exhibition spotlighted those contraditions because it's about a gay club that was destroyed by arson and seventy five people died. Very much like Happyland in NYC. One door in and out. But New Orleans is uncomfortable talking about its gay underground scene. Just like it's hard for them to talk about race, poverty and other intolerances. I preferred the recreation of the lounge which actually took me to the place. The larger white box space was more modern and as the curator Dan Cameron shared, it offered a fantasy space to interpret the history that took place. I would strongly suggest if anyone goes to the exhibit, try and meet the artist.

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